
Gone Girl


Every truth has two sides…
Both of which are intelligently and thought-provokingly narrated in this un-put-downable thriller.

‘Gone Girl’ by Gillian Flynn is a rollercoaster of marital manipulation and had us hooked from the first few pages. Uncomfortable twists propel you along a disturbing, twisted and very dark path, highlighting that agonizing question, do you ever really know someone!

Without giving too much away, this gripping tale begins with the disappearance of the beautiful ‘Amazing Amy’ – wife of Nick, the awkward, unemotional husband, and top of the suspect list. After a relocation to Nick’s hometown, both unemployed, the strains of a frustrated marriage, financial hardship and betrayal take their toll. But is Nick a cold-hearted killer? Is Amy as amazing as we are first led to believe?

Topping The New York Times’ Bestseller list, and selling more than 2 million copies worldwide, ‘Gone Girl’ has a massive following. Maybe the book’s biggest celebrity fan being Reese Witherspoon who bought the film rights for 1 million, begging the question who will play Amy and Nick?!

The book’s Marmite ‘love it or hate it’ ending has evoked quite a reaction amongst its page turners…


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