
Festival survival tips: before, during, after

Average Janes festival survival tips

Chances are you’re super excited to be getting off to a festival this summer. Obsessively refreshing your weather app, whats-apping your mates to co-ordinate supplies of cereal bars and debating whether you really do need that extra t-shirt (let’s be honest, you probably won’t).

Top Festival Survival Tips

So we thought we’d share a few top festival survival tips for before, during and after – ways to treat yourself and make the most of the fun ahead.

Before the festival

Becky’s top tips:

We all know you’ll be happily sweaty and muddy for the next few days, so before you head off treat yourself to a bit of hair and skincare TLC. I love a deep-conditioning hair treatment as a bit of a treat – my current fave is Umberto Gianni Frizzi (£6). It smells amazing – not too sweet – and contains Argan oil which leaves my hair super soft. I also treat my skin to a lot of moisture before I hit it with booze and junk food – my go-to is Origins Drink Up (£23) which my skin soaks up, so must be doing some good!

Finally, I’ve taken the plunge and invested in a stylish rain mac – check out a few of Average Janes’ favourites.

Festival survival tips before

At the festival

Sophie’s top tips:

During most UK festivals the weather is damp and drizzly at some point, so looking glam on top of that, plus sweating in a tent and wafting of a £6 box of wine is a struggle.

My staples to looking relatively human are wellies, lippy, a hat, and maybe a flower crown.

I refuse to spend 100 quid on Hunter wellies – on principle that, y’know, they’re wellies – but Joules do nice pairs, and Office and TKMaxx are worth a look. I’m currently hearting Asos JuJu silver pearl ones, (£21, that also come in blue and pink), because you can even rock the metallic look at a festival.

Surviving UK festivals tips

I normally wear make-up day-to-day but my efforts are massively reduced at a festival, especially when access to water and a mirror is limited. I love bright lippy so I go for an orange red (MAC Lady Danger, £15.50) or a bright pink (NARS Schiap, £21) throw on a pair of sunnies and voila! No one notices you’ve not slept for days.

Lipstick for festivals

An obvious choice, but a hat is good for hiding greasy hair as no amount of dry shampoo can make it look clean after you’ve raved it up in a tent that contains the population of small country. Finally, I love a flower crown to feel pretty, because why the f*** not, you’re at a festival so might as well own it.

After the festival

Whitney’s treat tips:

The feeling you get after a festival is a great contradiction: on one hand you’re on top of the world; your soul is refreshed with live music, good company and the great outdoors. But on the other hand your pits are hairy, your hair greasy and there’s mud or mysterious stainage on 90% of the things you own. So to overcome this new post-festival hobo look of yours, I recommend doing the following remedies, in order of appearance:

Get in the shower, shampoo twice, condition once and then apply Mark Hill’s MiracOILicious 2 Minute Intensive Treatment (£9.99). Exfoliate using a gentle product, like Clarins Exfoliating Care  Refiner Cream (£25). Chuck on your comfiest pyjamas, or walk round in your undies (hey, you’re at home now).

Hair product treats

Brew a LARGE cup of English Breakfast tea, or, if tea isn’t your bag, make a Super Berry Smoothie to feel refreshed and begin your debauch-detox. Finally, put on a playlist of your favourite tunes from the fest and find somewhere horizontal to lay, doing your best to not schedule any obligations for at least 8 hours.

Sophie’s top tips:

I look in the mirror and go, DEAR GOD. Turns out no amount of accessories and products can hide the monster I’ve become. I’m not sure tramp-chic is a thing, but hey l’ve got that look nailed. Post-festival I shower for a very long time and use all my fanciest products I save for special occasions. Caudalie oil (£27) is heavenly, your skin goes all soft and dewy like the adverts actually tell you. If you’re skint the next best thing is Palmer’s cocoa butter oil (£5.39). Next, sleep, sleep, more sleep.

Post festival treats

Lastly detox: eat a home cooked meal packed with plenty of veg and vow never to drink again. Until next weekend when the sun is out when you’re not living on a field so it’d be rude not to.

That’s it – our top festival survival tips!

What are your top tips? We’d love to know – @tweetjanes.